Earl can you break some 20s?
the big spenders at table 2 want to split their 11 check 3 ways
even though 1 person did all the eating
I was in a 3 way once same thing happened
Max table 10 would like the check and dont forget to pick up customers comments card
别小看意见卡哦 那东西满载着顾客的心声啊
customers very important its all about the fans
Im not a fan to hear what people have to say
直觉告诉我他们不会写什么好话 没兴趣
for instance whats happening right now? not a fan
Max 顾客的反馈对我们今后的生意影响很大
Max feedbacks from customers are very important business tool
perhaps will pomp the breaks on sour waitress attitude
theres only one tool that can change my tude but Im gonna need 2 double 8 batteries and a 20 minute break
welcome everyone thanks for coming to very important first official diner meeting
this aint right man 2 A.M. starts Earl time
-Earl你的白兰地 -太好了那开始吧
- Earl heres your brandy -okay were good now
if I know were gonna have staff meetings after work I wouldve taken job at TGIfriday instead
over there they roll fast and loose
-这是我们的规章制度 -是啊 朝五晚九
- well this is how I roll -yeah short and slow
不 我这儿整的可是速度与激情式的东京漂移速度
no I roll fast and furious XXX style
Han Im starting to drift can we get to the point?
Max and I still have to go home to bake cupcakes for tomorrow
we recieve so many excellent comments from customers tonight
-好吧 第一张说黑头发的服务员-是我哦
- ok first comment dark-haired waitress -hey
- was very rude -hey
Max顾客们提供给我们他们最真实的想法 我们要认真对待
Max customers are giving their honest oppnions about diner we need to take it seriously
我好想学习陈老师 驾驭一下那个金发服务生
I like to ride the blonde waitress like a tutor word
shout out
下一张 为什么收银员老是戴着个耳机我还以为是哪个DJ呢
next comment why does cashier wear earphones I thought he was a DJ
- go Earl go Earl -hola
-继续 肉饼干巴巴的不好吃诶-Oleg好 Oleg棒
- moving on this meatloaf taste still and dry -ye Oleg ye Oleg
it also says cook could wear XXX and shirt that covers armpit
this is on card
-当然 -你在撒谎 -被你发现了
- yes -youre lying -yes
remind me never to be a spy with Han
so this is how you tell me what you think of me?
you hide behind all-dated method feedback?
what I should pose a twit pig of my face like this?
maybe Ill send you a twit pig of my meatloaf
can you twit pigs pick another time to do this? I gotta go home
I have to go home too and cut the remaining sleeves off of all my shirt
then go buy more shirts and cut the sleeves of those shirts
-你必须得穿有袖子的衣服 -用不着你来教我做什么
- you must wear sleeves -do not tell me what to do
I was working here when youre still a dumpling on your fathers chopstick
now this is starting to sound like Earls time
- did it light? -no throw another one the gass on
为什么我们要扔火柴来点火? 穷人都这样干的吗?
why are we throwing fire in an oven? is this a poor people game?
ya its called light the broken pilot light without blowing our faces off
this is ridiculous my heart is pounding
I didnt know baking cupcakes an extreme sport its like the deadlies batch
看到了没 一点煤气就把我变得不正常了
see a slight gas near makes everything funnier
now theres too much gas
如果我们现在再扔跟火柴的话 我的鼻子和眉毛就要遭殃了
if we throw a match in there now Ill be out of nose or pair of eyebrows
- Im not living through that again -again?
当我还小的时候 我想自己做饭来着 结果点火点的太早了
when I was a little girl I was trying to make a hungry man dinner and I lit the pilot light too soon
唔 眉毛就没了只能自己画两条上去
whoosh no eyebrows had to draw them on with magic markers
only mexican girls would talk to me
Max我们要用这个做蛋糕生意的 我们必须和房东说说让他来换个烤箱
Max we have a cupcake business we have to tell the landlord we need a new oven
我们不能和房东说要个新的烤箱 不然他就会问
we cant ask the landlord for a new oven and hell ask us stuffs like
"who are you?" "why is your name not on the list?"and"wheres the rat?"
-好吧那我来买一个 -你确定你有钱买一整个烤箱?
- well Ill buy us one -really youre gonna buy us a whole oven?
were so poor I have a sock that I refer to you as my good sock
Ive been saving something for an emergency
like a burst or a first date bikini wax
I knew it you have a secret stash of your fathers missing billions were rich
等等那是别人的钱但不是我偷的 发了发了
wait its other peoples money yeah but I didnt steal it were rich
theyre my expensive rings
so these are your expensive rings whats all that other stuff youre wearing
那些是便宜货啦 从不在公共场合带好东西
cheaper copies you never wear the good stuff out in public
了解 就好像在家穿Banana Public出门穿GAP
got it kind of like hiding the Banana Public and wearing the GAP
see how special? theyre all one of a kind from XXX XXX
-T.A.T TAT-那是什么?
- T.A.T TAT -what?
没听说过tat rings吗?
tat rings you never heard of tat rings?
噢 是tat rings啊 没听说过
oh tat rings no
-我估计只有知道它的人才知道它 你知道吗?-不知道
- I guess its the kind of things that only people in the know know you know -no
make all the jokes you want but I only have to sell one of this and I can get us a new oven
any ideas what kind we should get
当然 你并不是唯一一个有私藏的人
uh yeah youre not the only one with a secret stash
its the blue star
那可是烤箱中的tat rings哦紫色的
its the tat rings of ovens in purple
没错 紫色的他可是烤箱中的战斗机啊
thats right I said purple its the muscle car of ovens
无敌了 无敌啊
its badass its so badass
when I do karaoke I change the lyrics from purple rain to purple range
-好 就买这个-诶 我们买不起这个的太贵了
- great well get this one -uh we cant buy that its too expensive
这是仅仅存在于YY中的传说中的烤箱啊你可以理解成是给女人的AVthis is just something you fantasize about its kitchen porn
好吧 那明天我们就去当铺换些钱去买个经济实惠型的烤箱
fine tomorrow well go to the Cash for Gold store and get a regular oven
我们又能烤蛋糕啦 我想可笑的气体没了
and get cooking I think the funny gass gone
-差不多了,我去点火- 我来吧,反正我也改刮腿毛了
- must be time Im going in -let me do it might arouse me to be wased anway
hurry up the gass on throw the match in
-着了吗?-没 我的靴子着了
- did it light? -no but my foots on fire
Ill do it
- youre good -youre good
不好意思 我们还要等多久才能拿到钱啊
Im sorry but how much longer do we have to wait to get cash for our gold?
我说过了 我煲电话呢 坐下 别那么不客气
I told you before Im on the phone sit down shut up dont be rude
staff should be nicer from our picture on the bus stop bench
咦 她眼中为啥没有闪烁着$$的光芒
yeah wherere the dollar signs in her eyes?
我来看看应该买哪个戒指 每个都有一段历史呀
let me see which ring should I sell? so much history in my lap
I dont even wanna tell you about the history in my lap
my father got me this one in London
这个是我在去巴黎的时候买的 奖励我在去巴黎的飞机上遇到气流颠簸没有哭
I got this one in Paris to reward myself for not crying during the turbulence on the flight to Paris
我妈用车撞了我那次 给我买了张壁画
my mom got me a fresco when she hit me with her car once
我18岁的时候买的这个 这是我第一个(tag)戒指
I got this one when I was 18 it was my very first tat
算了 你闭嘴吧 我们快走
okay stop this is a bad idea lets get out of here
我跟你们说了 我在煲电话 闭嘴 坐下 别那么没礼貌
I told you before Im on the phone sit down shut up dont be rude
我坐下 是因为我看到她柜台那里放着一把手枪
Im only sitting down because look she has her hand on a gun thats strapped under the counter
shes dying to plug us
Max 你为什么觉得这主意不好呀
Max whatre you talking about why is this a bad idea?
I dont want you to sacrifice your precious rings frodo
因为如果我们小蛋糕事业不成功 那是我的原因 导致你的一无所有
because if the business doesnt work out itll be my fault you have nothing
我可不想听你说我自私 我有自己的生活可以糟蹋就够了。
and call me selfish the only life I wanna ruin is my own
Max 商场起起伏伏 这很正常
Max the business will go up and down thats natural
but this ring is about more than the day to day of the business
its about us and our future together
- 你是在向我求婚吗?
- yo did you just ask me to marry you?
- 你还能更不着调吗?
- you could do worse
好啦女士们 请走吧
now ladies gold now
来吧 对于我们来说 这可是唯一的一枚戒指
come on its only one ring and when it comes to us
-我做这些都是为了长远打算 -知道这位女士把咱俩都干掉
- Im in this for the long hall -until this lady shoots us
-嗨 我来这儿是为了... -得了吧 快点儿 别逼我 我正火大呢
- Hi Im here to -come on lets go dont push me Im in a code red
嗯 你是公事公办 对吗? 我很敬佩
well youre all business arent you? I can respect that
-我是想兑换这个花纹戒指 -我从来没听说过什么花纹戒指
- Id like to exchange a tat ring -Ive never heard of a tat ring
Thomas Eric Stato Thomas 他可是举世闻名的珠宝设计师
XXX world famous designer
yeah talk down to me thatll make the price better
好吧 我称下重量
alright Ill weigh it
- whats that smell is someone making soup in the back -none of your business
Ill give you 275 dollars
- its worth 2500 -where in 2005?
youre just taking advantage of people because the world economy is crushing
这儿是金换钱 不是平胸女换同情
its called cash for gold not sympathy for flat chicks
你知道 你这儿是非法的
you know what this is inappropriate
alright I like to see a business license maybe Ill make a call to the Chamber of Commerce
- oh youre well huh? -dodge here comes the gun
maybe Ill make a call to my boys in the back
Sal Richard出来见客啦
Sal Richard
哇靠 我们快跑
oh hello lets get outta here
are you sure because Im kind of feeling Richard
Max I was just in the ladiess room and I had a thought
- 我为什么在写着"Carlos去死"的镜子里补口红?
- why am I doing my lipstick in a mirror that says "die carlos"?
I know how to get full dial of the ring
we just have to take it to the store where they sell it and we turn it
啥子 你为什么之前没想到?
uh... and why didnt that occur to you before?
那是因为我没有收据 我三年前买的呢
cause I dont have the receipt and I bought it three years ago...
from another store... in another country
the customer asked for the crust off turkey club
他们说的 还是你杜撰的
did they say that or did this something you say that they said?
当然是他们说的 但是我要说 我看见那件无袖T恤上写的是"去死吧 老板"
they said it but I say I see "screw the boss" sleeveless tee
那就对不起了 有个人叫雷普利的 就是他的T恤
Im sorry someone called ripleys
- 有一只小老鼠 正吱吱叫...
- there is a small mouse speaking
and I bet for sure it comes with stinky armpits
- 你为什么不说这是你个人想法?料理鼠王?
- why dont you say for yourself? ratatouille?
走鸟 斗争开始
Ive gotta go fights starting
你真是臭啊 臭死鸟
you are stinky so stinky
我韩国老妈打电话过来说擦 啥味儿
my mother in Korea called me and said "whats that smell?"
哎呀呀 我竟然看不出你不喜欢男人的味道
Im surprised you are upset by mans smell
most women like you enjoy it
Max我压20块给Han 他正在气头上
yo Max I got 20 bucks on Han hes scrappy
- 你英语真是没水平 - 我的英语比你蹩脚的英语还要强一些
- your English is terrible -my English is less terrible than your terrible English
啥玩意儿 你说啥鸟语呢
what? I couldnt understand a word you said
你说啥 你说的我也听不懂
what? so sorry I couldnt understand a word you said
对不起 正常尺寸的人们 在他道歉前我罢工了
excuse me regular-sized people Im on break until he apologizes
本轮战争结束 我不知道他们在说啥
I think the rounds over I couldnt understand a word they said
该道歉的是他 我才是老板
he needs to apologize Im the boss
为他犯不着 Han
dont let him get to you Han
每个女人都知道 尺寸不重要
every woman knows size doesnt matter
我喜欢你的衣服 让我想起了我初夜的那辆货车
I like your shirt reminds me of the side of the van I lost my virginity in
that little man disrespects me
他侮辱我的食物 我的英语 还有我的个人卫生
he insulted my food my English my hygiene
有什么我可以做的 能让你高兴起来
is there anything I can do to cheer you up?
a hug would help
-我抱了你 你就回去工作吗? -我会的
- if I hug you will you go back to work? -yes
就两秒钟 我就回去了
two-second hug Im going in
-哇哦 -你怎么弄的
- oh... ohh... -how did you do that?
your hands never left my back
Im David Blaine of zippers
-我是为了让你高兴呀 -爷现在很高兴
- I was trying to cheer you up -you did
哇 真不敢相信我竟然会回来
wow... its so surreal being back here
我在这儿长大 这就像是我的露营地
I grow up here it was like camp for me
我从这里了解到所有伟大的设计师 还有颜色搭配啊啥的
I learned to who all the best designers were how to color coodinate
how to ride a bike
- 他们让你在这里骑车?
- they let you ride a bike here?
大姐 这家店原来老娘我家的
bitch I owned this piece
if theres not an iguana in here this place is stupid
oh my god
-这些戒指好漂亮呀 -谢谢..
- they are such gorgeous tat rings -thanks...
-真是羡慕嫉妒恨啊 -谢谢 -88 -88
- hate you so jealous -thanks... -bye... -bye...
看到了你的原始栖息地 还真是让我有点恶心
seeing you in your natural habitat is truely disturbing
你好 有什么要帮忙的
hi can I help you
你好 我想退回我之前买的戒指
hi Id like to return a ring I got as a present here
这种戒指老珍贵了 你干嘛要退呀
tat rings are so amazing I cant believe you want to return it
送这个戒指给我的那个男纸伤了我的心 我看到这个戒指就心痛
well for this one is from a guy Im no longer with so its painful to even look at
我能理解 但是没有收据退不了啊
I understand but I couldnt take it back without a receipt
the thing is he used to hit her
-Max 他没有 -Caroline 又不是你的错
- Max he did not -Caroline its not your fault
太糟了 我知道你为什么想退了
thats awful I understand why you wouldnt want this ring
我看看我能不能想个办法 这种问题可不是我们的错
Im sure there is something I can do its not our fault
I mean... your fault
-Caroline Channing?
- Caroline Channing?
-Jeffrey - 我在这儿工作 你很惊讶吧
- Jeffrey -surprized to see me working here?
我在另一个店被炒了鱿鱼 而且那家店的名字我这辈子都不再提了
well I got fired from that other store whose name Ill never mention again
after last years cigarette butt incident
真的很抱歉 我不知道那些爱喜烟屁股是你抽的
Im so sorry I had no ideas those menthol slim 100s were yours
我只是觉得门外的烟屁股很恶心 所以就提了两句
I just thought so many butts on the ground outside the store was gross so I said something
so I say something
呀 就是您--大名鼎鼎的Caroline Channing提了两句烟屁股
well that one comment from the great Caroline Channing about butts fired
my little butt
你应该乐意知道 我被炒了以后 戒烟了
youll be happy to know that I quit smoking after you got me fired
couldnt afford it
I also couldnt afford my gym membership
which is why my fired little butt got massive
也是为什么没人乐意和我交往 也是为什么我独自一人参加的同志游行
why no one wanted to date me and why I spend gay pride alone
幸运的是 我还是慢慢恢复了 然后开始在这里工作
fortunately I wound up working here
是呀 我们都挺过来了 你屁股挺翘的呀
yeah it all worked out your butt looks tight
its half way there
so I got the price on the ring
you are buying a ring? a tat ring?
-其实我是来退货的 -哦...
- actually Im returning -oh...
can I see the receipt?
作为珠宝部门的经理 我想看看
as manager of the jewellery department
I couldnt possibly return a ring that you bought
你这戒指至少买了三年了 还没有收据
at least three years ago without a receipt
你不会是想让我再失业吧 是吗?
you wouldnt want me to lose my job again would you?
放着我来 Donna
I got this Donna
听说你爸成了罪犯 真是遗憾啊
and so sorry to hear about your father being a criminal
你也变得身无分文了 还有所有那些恶心的事情
and youve been penniless and all that uglyness
但这在某种角度上来看是报应 现在你就是你
but this is kind of karma youre where youre now
而我呢 又闪亮亮地上位了
and Im back on top
你看 Jeffrey 我知道咱们刚认识 但你绝对不可能是上位
look Jeffrey I know we just met but there is no way you are a top
now what are we gonna do?
我们应该去找那个超级妒忌心重的伪女 她都要恨死你了
we should hunt down that super fake jealous lady who hates you
maybe she will buy one
Max 你可真聪明
Max thats brilliant
要是有人想买花纹戒指 他们肯定就已经在这家店里了
if anybody gonna buy a tat ring they are already in the store
we can have a pop-up sale
-惊喜式直销? -你不知道什么是惊喜式直销?
- a pop-up sale? -you dont know what a pop-up sale is?
- 那你知道信号灯是什么吗?
- you didnt know what a pilot light was?
这可是种新风尚 到小店里直销一下然后就闪
its the new trend mini stores and pop up and sell stuff then they are gone
这还叫新风尚啊? 毒贩子们多少年以前就玩剩下了
thats not a new trend drug dealersve doing that for years
- 1 2 3 4 5...
- 1 2 3 4 5...
- 干什么呢 "美丽心灵"?
- what are you doing? beautiful mind?
Im mentally scaning the layout the store for security cameras
I knew coming here and not going to parks as a child would pay off
-好啦 这儿只有一个没有摄像头监视的地方 可以完成任务 -哪儿?
- ok there is only one place we can pull it off and there are no cameras -where?
pop-up sale the ladies room
对啊 妞儿 我说了 在女卫生间搞惊喜式直销
thats right Maam I said pop-up sale in the ladies room
I dont do improv
- 咱们把戒指卖出去了吗?
- so did we sell the ring yet?
those women werent our target customers
我们需要的是非常特殊的那种人 风格多样 还有大把钱可以烧
were looking for a very specific type too much style and money to burn
呀啦 呀啦... 摁住电梯 宝贝儿
yala yala... hold the elevator hot baby
哦... 我爱死New York啦
and I... I love New York
pop-up sale in the ladies room
Ill take you in two at a time
我先看看我搭档准备得怎么样了 马上回来 先请Adina和Lublubla看货
let me go check with my associate and Ill be right back for Adin and Lublubla
such a good memory
hard to forget such beautiful names
-好了吗? -第二个隔间里有个屁精
- ready?-we have a pooper in stall two
谁会一边购物一边便便啊 我是说真的呢
who shops and plops I mean really
相信我 我闻过和这差不多的 传统商店也是这个味儿
trust me I smell the match classic shops and plop cover-up
- 啊... 咱们从自动贩卖机里买的小饼干哪儿去了?
- ah... where are the two kit kats we got from the vending machine?
I told you I was hungry
Arabic women expect a gift when they buy something
- 第二个隔间里说不定能提供点儿小礼物?
- well stall NO.2 will probably supply a little present?
-嗨 你来这儿参加惊喜式直销的吗? -不 我就是要小便而已
- hi are you here for the pop-up sale? -no I just have to pee
哦 上帝 行了吧 别浪费我的时间
oh geez come on dont waste my times
一个隔间厕所开放 其他的用来做生意
one stalls open in and out running a business
那女人是不是插队啊? 可别把我订好的花纹戒指卖给她
that woman pushed ahead of us do not sell here my tat ring
没问题 你来这儿是拿东西的 她来这儿是"扔"东西的
its fun youre here to pick up shes here to drop off
open the shop
咱俩绝配 你想好点子 然后我把她们搞定
were good team you set up and I knock them down
-她们为什么在外面? -不知道啊 就是在那儿了呗
- why them out? -no I dont know just it is
- 啊... 你们来这儿是参加惊喜式直销的吗?
- ah... are you here for the pop-up sale?
- 卫生间里搞惊喜式直销?
- a pop-up sale in the bathroom?
-真无聊 -真无聊?
- so lame -so lame?
-Caroline? -Jane Robin
- Caroline? -Jane Robin
-哦 我的天 -哦 我的天 -哦 我的天 -哦 我的天
- oh my god -oh my god -oh my god -oh my god
- 打扰一下...
- fala... excuse me
- 惊喜式直销什么时候开始啊?
- when will pop-up sale start?
we have lunch reservations for five at four seasons at three
-你问我干嘛? -你们俩不是搞惊喜式直销的吗? 难道不是?
- why are you asking me? -you two are doing pop-up sale no?
- 不 我怎么会在卫生间里搞惊喜式直销呢?
- no Ive nothing to do with this pop-up sale in the bathroom
-真无聊 -真无聊 -真无聊 -真无聊
- so lame -so lame -so lame -so lame
-和我们一起吃午饭吧 -哦 我已经吃了...
- come to lunch with us -oh Ive already eaten...
-我们请客 -我们可不能让你找借口拒绝
- our treat we are not taking no for an answer
我不得不去啊 把戒指卖了
they are not taking no for answer sell the ring
她去哪儿了? 我以为你俩是一起的
where is she going? I thought you two were a team
aparently not
真是抱歉 我用人品保证当时的情况真是迫不得已
so sorry I got cought up in a hostage nicoise situation
- 怎么样? 你按照原价把戒指卖了吗?
- howd it go? did you got full price for the ring?
哦 你认识我吗? 我发誓你刚才可是不认识我
oh do you know me? because I could have sworn you didnt know me
我的新朋友Adin和Labueballs可是觉得很奇怪 你刚才把我甩了
my new friends Adin and Labueballs thought it was weird that you just bailed on me
Max 我那会儿真是慌了
Max I panicked in the moment
我不想那些女孩儿去告诉所有人 Caroline Channing沦落到要在卫生间里卖珠宝的地步
I didnt wants those girls telling everyone that Caroline Channing was in a bathroom selling her jewellery
自从流言四起之后我真是难以支撑 我只是...受不了
Im bearly back on my feet after the whole scandal I I just... couldnt bear it
我没卖出去 因为从一开始我就不该掺和进去
I didnt sell them because I didnt buy the whole "in it for the long haul" things from the beginning
我是对的 因为在看人这方面我总是对的
and I was right because Im always right about people in the long haul
Max 我和你说话呢
Max Im talking to you
its cool
Max 关于戒指的事情我很抱歉
Max about the rings Im sorry
-我不知道还能说些什么 -你什么也不用说了
- I dont know whatelse to say you dont need to say anything
关于未来 关于咱俩 你已经说的太多了
you are already said a lot of words about the future and us
你下一步就会说"哦 我的天哪" 我要给咱们的朋友们送午餐去了
and then next thing I know you were "oh my god" off to lunch with our friends
- Max 我已经努力很久了 我到底说什么才能让你回心转意啊?
- Max I am in this for the long haul is there anything I can say that convince you of that?
不用 没事儿 不是你的问题 是我
no and its fine its not you its me
我真是个大傻瓜 以前竟然还相信过你 相信咱们会有美好的未来
Im the idiot who actually believed for a minute that we have a future
不过没关系了 短时期内咱们就继续维持目前的状态吧
but its ok we just keep getting by like we are for the short haul
- 没问题吧?
- cool?
- Max...
- Max...
-嘿 -嘿
- hey -hey
- 什么味儿?
- whats that smell?
Im making cupcakes
- 你开着指示灯呢?
- you lit the pilot light?
没必要 看
didnt have to look
不会吧 紫色的蓝星烤炉
no way the bluestar in purple?
- 怎么弄到的? 你怎么买得起啊?
- wht the... how did it get? how could you afford that?
-你把戒指卖了? -全卖了
- you sold your tat? sold them all
spent on the oven next day delivery fee and installation
-那女人出价不错? -没有 她拿枪顶着我
- that women gave you a better price? no she put a gun on me
我就去了Brooklyn的每一家金店 然后拿他们给我的报价 再去各
so I went to every gold store in Brooklyn leveraged their offers against each other
until I got enough to buy the bluestar
you dont have to do that
之前我那么对你 也没什么可说的了
after what I did there were no more words
only ovens
而且咱们的未来对于我来说 比什么过去的花纹戒指重要多了
and our future means more to me than the tat from my past
我告诉过你 我们要有长远计划
Ive told you Im in this for the long haul
还有 我真是讨厌那些一起吃午饭的女孩儿
for the record I hated lunch with those girls
我更想和你在一起做蛋糕 随便哪一天都好
Id rather split a kit kat in a bathroom with you anyday
真抱歉 我没听你解释 因为我正瞪着新交的男朋友 他就就在那儿
Im sorry I wasnt listening I was staring at my new boyfriend over there
I wanna make out with it
- 啊... 烫...叮...
- oh ow hot
there is not a ding
是啊 有提示音 我的戒指换回了带提示音的烤炉
there is a ding my rings bought a ding
- 你是不是想抱抱我啊?
- you wanna hug me dont you?
but youre not gonna
我会的 你要是解开我的衣服拉链 我就要发飙啦
yes I am if you unzip my shirt I gonna be pissed
impressed but pissed