捷克作家米兰·昆德拉 (Milan Kundera) 于2023年07月11日在巴黎的公寓去世,他是20 世纪最有影响力的小说家之一,也是世界上著作被翻译次数最多的作家之一。其代表作有《不能承受的生命之轻》《玩笑》《生活在别处》《笑忘录》和《不朽》等。
图1 米兰.昆德拉
1985年,昆德拉获得耶路撒冷奖。他的获奖感言出现在《小说艺术》收录的论文中。1987年获奥地利国家欧洲文学奖。 2000年获国际赫尔德奖。2007年荣获捷克国家文学奖。2009年,他荣获Prix mondial Cino Del Duca奖。2010年,他被家乡布尔诺授予荣誉市民称号。
图2 不能承受的生命之轻
2011年获得奥维德奖。小行星7390 昆德拉于 1983 年在克莱日天文台发现,以他的名字命名。2020年荣获捷克文学奖弗朗茨·卡夫卡奖。
Do not forget that your time is limited. -不要忘记你的时间是有限的。The true meaning of life comes from the choices we make. -生活的真正意义来自于对于人生的选择。Love is the pursuit of what is unattainable. -爱是追求无法得到的东西。Thinking is a dedication to freedom. -思考是对自由的献身。Life is an endless road. -人生是一条没有尽头的路。Those who can avoid suffering are happy. -那些能逃避痛苦的人是幸福的。Words cannot truly express the truth. -言语不能真正表达真相。Forgetting is a way to keep on living. -忘记是让人得以继续生活的方式。Happiness comes from freely chosen activities. -幸福是被自由选择而来的。Nostalgia is the honor of the past. -怀旧是对过去的荣誉。True dialogue requires mutual listening. -真正的对话需要相互的倾听。Knowledge does not necessarily mean wisdom. -知识并不意味着智慧。We only truly understand the meaning of life when faced with death. -我们只有在面对死亡时才会真正理解生命的意义。Freedom is the most precious treasure in life. -自由是人生最珍贵的财富。Freedom of thought is the cornerstone of human dignity. -思想自由是人类尊严的基石。People always build their happiness on the pain of others. -人们总是把自己的快乐建立在别人的痛苦之上。Love is an unpredictable force. -爱情是一种无法预测的力量。Truth exists in things that cannot be spoken. -真实存在于那些无法被言说的事物中。We are full of illusions about our past and future. -我们对自己的过去和未来充满幻觉。Emotions do not need a reason. -感情并不需要理由。"Love is the longing for the half of ourselves we have lost." -爱情是对我们失去的一半自我的渴望。"Anyone whose goal is something higher must expect someday to suffer vertigo. What is vertigo? Fear of falling? No, Vertigo is something other than fear of falling. It is the voice of the emptiness below us which tempts and lures us, it is the desire to fall, against which, terrified, we defend ourselves." -那些追求更高目标的人,总有一天会面对眩晕。什么是眩晕?对坠落的恐惧吗?不,眩晕并不是对坠落的恐惧。它是来自我们下方空虚的呼唤和引诱,是一种想要坠落的欲望,而我们又在惊恐中抵御它。"No one can get rid of anyone." -没有人能够摆脱任何人。"Chance and chance alone has a message for us. Everything that occurs out of necessity, everything expected, repeated day in and day out, is mute. Only chance can speak to us." -只有机缘,只有纯粹的偶然,才能给我们传递信息。所有必然发生的事情,所有被期待和日复一日地重复的事情都是无言的。只有机缘才能与我们交谈。"We never live; we are always in the expectation of living." -我们从未真正活过,我们总是期待着活着。"A person who longs to leave the place where he lives is an unhappy person." -一个渴望离开他所居住之地的人是一个不幸的人。"Anyone who is in love is making love the whole time, even when theyre not. When two bodies meet, it is just the cup overflowing. They can stay together for hours, even days. They begin the dance one day and finish it the next, or--such is the pleasure they experience--they may never finish it. No eleven minutes for them." -任何沉溺于爱情的人都会一直沉浸在爱情之中,即使在不沉溺于爱情的时候。当两个身体相遇时,那只是溢出的杯子。他们可以在一起呆上几个小时,甚至几天。他们开始跳舞的那一天,可能是下一天结束,或者--他们所体验到的快乐如此之大--他们可能永远也不会结束。对他们来说,没有十一分钟的限制。"People are always shouting they want to create a better future. Its not true. The future is an apathetic void of no interest to anyone. The past is full of life, eager to irritate us, provoke and insult us, tempt us to destroy or repaint it. The only reason people want to be masters of the future is to change the past." -人们总是大喊着要创造一个更美好的未来。这不是真的。未来是一个无趣的冷漠空洞,没有任何人对它感兴趣。过去充满了生命,渴望着刺激我们,挑衅和侮辱我们,引诱我们去摧毁或重新演绎它。人们想成为未来的主人唯一的原因,是为了改变过去。"What can life be worth if the first rehearsal for life is life itself?" -如果生活的第一次排练就是生活本身,那生命还有什么价值呢?"Metaphors are dangerous. Metaphors are not to be trifled with. A single metaphor can give birth to love." -隐喻是危险的。隐喻不容小觑。一个隐喻可以催生爱情。图3 米兰.昆德拉签名